Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Lifting Breakdowns

I found this on www.t-nation.com in one of their articles. It's supposed to be a breakdown of where a well-balanced lifter should be. It definitely makes me seem a little out-of-proportion. Here are the percentages:

Deadlift — 100%
Back squat — 71.4 %
Bench press and pull-up — 55.6 %
Front squat and close-grip bench press — 50 %
Hang clean — 45 %
Dumbbell bench press (two dumbbell total) and one-arm row (two dumbbell total) — 43 %
Push press, jerk, and dumbbell incline bench press (two dumbbell total) — 40 %
Dumbbell overhead press (two dumbbell total) — 32.5 %
Hammer curl (two dumbbell total) — 31.5 %
Dumbbell curl (two dumbbell total), barbell curl, and dumbbell overhead triceps extension (one dumbbell) — 30 %
Bulgarian squat (weighted) — 27.5 %
Lunge (weighted), split squat (weighted), and press-down — 25 %
E-Z bar skull crusher — 24 %
Dumbbell skull crusher (two dumbbell total), preacher curl, and concentration curl (two dumbbell total) — 22 %
Seated calf raise and pec fly (two dumbbell total) — 20 %
Single-leg Romanian deadlift (one dumbbell) and standing calf raise (one dumbbell) — 13 %

So, basically, based on my deadlift, the lifts should be:
Deads - 325
Back Squat - 232
Bench and Pull - 180

Based on Squat, they should be:
Deads - 370
Back Squat - 265
Bench and Pull - 206

Based on Bench:
Deads - 450
Back Squat - 320
Bench and Pull - 250

Damn, my legs suck. I should've linked the article in, maybe I'll find it again later. You should check your numbers and see what you come up with. I guess my ideal plan would be to get to the numbers based on my bench!

1 comment:

AlanJ40 said...

Based on these numbers I should be bicep curling 130lbs! Lol, I doubt I could do that once...