Monday, May 19, 2008

Advice I don't follow

I've been really thinking a lot lately about adopting some form of a diet to help get myself into shape this summer. As I continue to struggle with this, I'm trying to write a bit to maybe help convince myself that it's easier than it seems. Sweets are by far my biggest vice... I probably enjoy 2-3 20 ouncers of Mountain Dew, at least 1 type of candy bar (or Reese's Big Cup in the personal fav!), some ridiculously large lunch that generally ends with a stomach ache, and I'm currently polishing off an OU cup (big 32oz cup from football games back in my UG) filled with chocolate milk...

So, once I finish this chocolate milk I think I may take a little good advice. I read recently that liquid calories are the ones that hurt the most. You drink without concern and generally don't get full. Drinks tend to be the most empty calories you consume in any given day. Beer, soda, chocolate milk, Gatorade... you name it, it's probably got tons of carbs and sugar.

New plan: eliminate soda and cut back on beer for starters (only mentioning the beer since I've been to a slew of receptions recently. Hell, the beer was free, what do you expect?).

Oh, and D-III Nats preliminary pools are up. Final pools will be posted Wednesday at some point!

1 comment:

John said...

Cutting out the soda is not that hard at all! I've been doing it since January 1 and I've been rather pleased with the results. I've only cheated once when I needed the caffeine. There are much better things to spend calories on than Mountain Dew.