Friday, February 1, 2008

Mission, Vision, Values

So I'm sitting in my Leadership and Organizations class last night and we begin to talk about the design of an organization. They create their Mission, or how they want to be perceived. Their Vision, where they want to be in 12-36 months. Their Values, or how exactly they think they are going to get there. So why is it that we, as an Ultimate team, don't have any idea where we are headed?

Of course we all want to be at Nationals, we all want to win games, we all want to be the best... blah, blah, blah.... Shouldn't there be some sort of realistic vision here?

So I think we should come together and figure this out. Another way of looking at this is taking the 3 stages. They call them the "Is", the "Transition", and the "To Be". The Mission is where we are presently, the "Transition" is made using the Values we instill in our teammates, and the Vision is where we want to be.

All I know is that I want to be at D-III Nationals and I want to be recognized as a force in the NE, but without a stronger core of "athletes" and "Ultimate players", we are going to have a tough time doing it. I think only a constant push towards strength and conditioning as well as the technical aspects of the game will allow us to reach that goal. The problem lies in creating a "team" and not just a collection of individuals. Here's to adversity.

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